Strategic Reading (2) Teacher’s Manual限量搶購網友評鑑4顆星真的很實用 一定要讓你知道 博客來語言學習-英語分類優質好書想了解更多[Strategic Reading (2) Teacher’s Manual]的介紹請點擊左邊圖片 點圖即可看詳細介紹 |
內容簡介 Strategic Reading is a three-level series designed to develop reading, vocabulary-building, and critical-thinking skills. The Teacher’s Manual provides clear step-by-step notes on how to use the Student’s Book in class. It includes an overview of the series, a model lesson plan, and detailed vocabulary and teaching suggestions for each unit. The Teacher’s Manual offers optional warm-up and extension activities as well as many ideas for additional classroom activities. Also included are culture notes, unit quizzes, and suggested answers for all exercises and quizzes.