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- 選收近100,000詞條,全部由醫學權威撰寫釋義。
- 所收術語廣涉臨床專業科目以及與醫學有關的基礎學科等共63個。
- 詞彙突出醫學上的各項新發展,包括醫學研究、先進診斷技術和衛生保健科學等。
- 中文翻釋準確,並附詳盡解說。
- 精製全頁彩圖22頁。
- Over 100,000 entries with definitions written by medical experts
- A coverage of over 63 subjects in clinical specialties and basic sciences related to medicine
- Vocabulary highlighting developments in medical research, advanced diagnostic technology and innovations in health care
- Accurate Chinese translations with comprehensive explanations
- 22 pages of full-color illustrations