Vocabulary in Use: Upper-Intermediate Without Answer哪裡買?網友評鑑5顆星最近好多網友都在問哪裡買 博客來語言學習-英語分類優質好書購買[Vocabulary in Use: Upper-Intermediate Without Answer]絕對物超所值 點圖即可看詳細介紹 |
內容簡介 Vocabulary in Use: Upper Intermediate helps high-intermediate to advanced learners consolidate and expand their knowledge of English vocabulary. The book contains 100 lessons that cover approximately 3,000 new vocabulary items. Ideal for self-study, its easy-to-use format presents a content- or grammar-based area of vocabulary on the left-hand page and innovative practice activities on the right-hand page. Firmly based on current vocabulary acquisition theory, this text promotes good learning habits and teaches students how to discover rules for using vocabulary correctly. An edition with an answer key, suitable for self-study, is available; an intermediate level is also available.