
Sentence Writing Teacher’s Guide

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  • Sentence Writing Teacher’s Guide

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      Sentence Writing is a low-level writing course for learners of American English. It introduces students to the most common and useful structures in basic written English, so that they can express themselves on a variety of common topics. Each unit introduces relevant vocabulary and culminates with an enjoyable writing activity that takes students through the steps of the writing process: brainstorming ideas, arranging ideas with the help of a graphic organizer, writing a short text, and sharing the finished product with classmates.

    To express themselves clearly and accurately, beginning writers of English need to be able to:
    * Understand and use basic grammatical sentence patterns.
    * Correctly choose and use appropriate verb tenses.
    * Organize their ideas and vocabulary.

    Sentence Writing provides students with:
    * Clear explanations and carefully guided practice of the most common sentence patterns in English.
    * Extensive practice of the verb tenses most useful for beginning writers.
    * Thematically related vocabulary to enable students to express themselves on interesting, familiar, and relevant topics.
    * Practice with common punctuation and spelling rules.

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