Market Leader (Upp-Int) New Ed. Video Resource Book破盤出清網友評鑑4.5顆星還在猶豫要不要買嗎?再不買就來不及了 博客來語言學習-英語分類優質推薦想看更多[Market Leader (Upp-Int) New Ed. Video Resource Book]的詳細說明嗎 點圖即可看詳細介紹 |
Market Leader New Edition reflects the fast-changing world of business with thoroughly updated material from authentic sources such as the Financial Times. The new edition retains the dynamic and effective approach that has made this course so successful in business English classes worldwide.
Market Leader Upper Intermediate New Edition Video consists of five separate films which illustrate the themes and extend language introduced in the Market Leader Upper Intermediate New Edition Course Book.
They can be used independently or in support of the main course.